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yuriyuri (Offline)
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08-08-2010, 10:03 AM

It's probabaly best to not take my word on this, since this is the first time I have bothered to try and read anything like this.

But to me it looks like Matsuo Bashō's 'Old Pond' Haiku:

If you reverse your pictures it will be in the correct order.
(Put the top picture on the bottom and the bottom picture on top)
Or rather... Put the bottom picture to the left of the top picture, to read it from top to bottom, left to right.

Anyway, the whole thing translated goes:
Old pond

Frog leaps in
(Can't tell if it is 飛込む or 飛び込む but it is the same word)

Water's sound
(Where 乃 is being used for の)

(His name)

古池 - Old pond (古 - old | 池 - Pond)
蛙 - Frog
飛込む - To leap in / To jump in
水 - Water
乃 - This is the Kanji that turned into の - It is a particle that can indicate possession etc
音 - Sound

Last edited by yuriyuri : 08-08-2010 at 10:59 AM.
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