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YukisUke (Offline)
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08-09-2010, 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by Misericordias View Post
How can you ask for other people to respect your beliefs and opinions when you reject and act callously towards other people's opinions and beliefs? You still haven't answered why you feel that you're entitled to read manga. Yes, we realize that money is tight in your situation but what we're asking for is for you to be considerate to the people who's work you're essentially stealing. These people are also suffering from the economic downturn just as you are and by depriving them of the profits gained by legitimately purchasing their work, you're harming them even more.

What people are trying to say (which has been said repeatedly) is that reading manga is not something essential to living. It's not something so precious that once manga is cut from your life, you'll shrivel up and die. I'm absolutely sure that there are other alternative form of entertainment that are out there that don't require you to indulge in illegal activities.

I ask that you stop being so self-centered (and I say that in the nicest way possible) and realize that your current form of getting manga is doing more harm than good.
I'm not rejecting anyone's opinions. They're rejecting mine, FYI. And I repsect what you have to say about this. Also, I'm not self-centered.
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