Originally Posted by Ryzorian
You missed the point, when the war has allready started, get it over with as soon as possible. Honestly, you can't fight a "humane" war. War isn't nice, never was, never will be. So trying to end it as soon as possible to me is the correct path. I'm not toteing a line here, overwelming firepower, with no holding back, is how I think.
True, I would rather avoid a confrontation, but once the line has been crossed, peace through strength means utilizeing and over welming response.
It's called Pax Romana, Rome had peace for over 200 years...actual peace where there were no wars anywhere within the empire or along it's borders. They had this because everyone knew that if you messed with Rome they didn't negotiate, they sent legions to your city and razed it to the ground. It's harsh yes, but the peace that resulted from this harshness benifited everyone, roads and bridges were built, industry and trade goods flowed, technology advanced and the arts flurished. Being a Roman citizen was what everyone wanted to become.
The US should establish a Pax Americana.
Youve missed the point. The dropping of the bombs was not about ending the war as quickly as possible. Again.. the war was all but over.
Furthermore your position that "The goal of war is to end it quickly". Well that is true generally speaking... but not at any cost.
Speaking of morals. You and Dogsbody have been arguing a relativistic position claiming that the times in which the bombs were dropped were different times with different realities therefore different morals.
However, even during the time, Einstein and other scientists petitioned the American government not to continue with the Manhattan project not to mention certain officials were urging the president to negotiate with the Japanese to end the war rather than drop the bomb so to even use relativistic arguments kinda fails ( I have been doing a bit more research since this discussion started that is why I didnt mention it earlier )
Finally... I had to laugh at your "Pax Americana".... you live in a fantasy land. Not only are you trying to sell me your American historical revisionist argument (and people say Japan have history problems

) you have justified it with further revisionism by making out the Romans as some sort of Peace loving empire.
The truth is that if America did that it would get its butt kicked. America is the most powerful country in the world but even it knows that it cant take on the world.
Furthermore.... an adoption of "Pax Americana" would isolate America as it would undermine the one thing America has that is more powerful than its military might. Americas "soft power" as we say in International Relations is its ideology of "freedom" "human rights" and "liberty" via its constitution as well as its economy which is RELIANT on the world.
It is from this moral platform which America has "supposedly" stood for (I say supposedly because anyone that knows the history of the Cold War knows that it hasnt) that I use to judge that the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were immoral.
For America to defend the decision is hypocritical of the "supposed" ideals they stand for.
Also according to your argument.. shall we end Iraq and Afghanistan as quickly as possible at any cost?