We Need A Ventrilo. -
08-11-2010, 09:50 AM
Hey guys ,
Im new to this forum. In every community that I have joined up until now, I believe what really made the people in the communities be friends was, A ventrilo server. Me and my friends are on all the time and really if it werent for ventrilo I would not have met the people I have. A ventrilo server is not very expensive and I believe it would really help our community if we got one. For all of you who do not know what ventrilo is, it is a place where people talk kind of like teamspeak but a newer and better version. WE NEED A VENTRILO SERVER. ALL VOTE YES PLEASE!!!. The reason we need a ventrilo server and not skype is because in skype its very complicated to add everyone and then call them and things like this. For ventrilo, You can just sign in and go to whichever channel you want to talk in. ( voice chat )