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(#63 (permalink))
StrangeLee (Offline)
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Posts: 13
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Australia
08-11-2010, 01:27 PM

This is still going on? Either I've got ADHD, or people keep taking the bait to keep this going.

If you want an idea of war, you can either see it first hand, or even second hand. Either way it will change your life, and I trust me on that call. I've spent time on the old battle fields of WW2, that were fought across the pacific. I've even seen the results of cargo, many, many years after the war, after the ship that was carrying was sunk - and then later broke free of its moorings.

Especially mustard. Give it a few years to get nasty and a normal jar of mustard can cause some very serious injuries and bad burns to skin. I can't eat mustard these days.

Those who want to know where I spent a bit of my life, look to the text books. If you're an Aussie, Yank, Kiwi, Japanese or Fijian, I have stepped a few steps in the footsteps of your forefathers. I've even got my noggin in an old WWII Japanese tank somewhere.

Peacekeeping is bad enough, and war would be even worse. As for the university students and graduates who claim to know everything, and think they understand conflict. Well, I could make a comment about this, but it would only make them upset.

Additionally, Ryzorian, do not get me started on 'Pax Americana'. Especially when it comes to the MacArthur mentality of thought.

Last edited by StrangeLee : 08-11-2010 at 08:46 PM. Reason: Wasn't happy with earlier post.
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