Originally Posted by nhoernig
Well, in order to have an "original plan" you have to do research and find out what your options are, right?
The original thought was to have them made in Japan. So i sent quote requests off to a few companies. The problem is, the printing prices are higher here in Japan and the availability of the garment I'm printing on is limited. Just so you know, I'm printing on women's boy shorts/hot pants.
After receiving quotes from Japanese printers and foreign printers (shipping included), I realized that my only option to be able to do it here in Japan is by utilizing the price and availability of American printers with a means of getting them to Japan in a cheap way...thus this post!
Trust me, I've been seasoning all my options with this for the last 3 months but haven't been able to find a print and shipping combination for under about $15.00 (1500 yen) per pair.
That's not what I asked. Why didn't you (or now, why don't you) take the budget into consideration before trying to get the ball rolling? If you can barely pay to get them made... Does the business have to start today?
The "original plan" should have looked at how much it would cost to create and ship every garment you were going to produce, and then just acquire that money. I just don't understand how you went into this venture, that's all. I'm not trying to give you a hard time or anything.