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(#5 (permalink))
nhoernig (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2010
08-11-2010, 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
That's not what I asked. Why didn't you (or now, why don't you) take the budget into consideration before trying to get the ball rolling? If you can barely pay to get them made... Does the business have to start today?

The "original plan" should have looked at how much it would cost to create and ship every garment you were going to produce, and then just acquire that money. I just don't understand how you went into this venture, that's all. I'm not trying to give you a hard time or anything.
Since you're so enthusiastic about knowing every minor detail of what's going on, I'll spell it out for you so that you understand...

To be honest, I think that you don't understand the situation fully (naturally, since you didn't create this post). I HAVE thought out the expenses of making the garment. That's why this post exists.

There's no pre-determined "budget" for what I'm doing. This is not about being able to afford the price of the's about getting them done for a reasonable price in order to make a profit on them.

Maybe Toyota has enough money to make a hybrid car for 30,000 dollars but if they can only sell it for 25,000...what's the point right? Same thing here.

Due to the nature of the garment (women's underwear), I'm not willing to charge more than 2000 yen for a pair when I sell them...I just don't think people will pay that much. Unfortunately, the event that I'll be selling them at, is costing me a large amount of money so I'd like to make at least 500 yen profit on each pair, in order to get some of that money back.

That means I have to figure out how to get them made for under 1500 yen.

There are 3 things I have to take into consideration to add up to that 1500 yen:

The cost of the garment
The cost of the print (inks, screens, setup fees, etc.)
The cost of shipping

The total costs for having them made in Japan and delivered, is about the same as the total costs for having them made in the States and delivered. However, the actual garment and printing costs are much less in the states. The main brunt of the expense comes in the shipping.

Having them made in Japan will cost me over 1700 yen, shipping doesn't affect that cost so much...since it's within Japan (sometimes it's free for a large order). Having them made in the states will cost me around $12.00. Now, if I had them shipped from the states, the rate would catch up to Japan's rates pretty quickly, which makes it meaningless. However, If I can find someone to bring them over, I can still pay a little bit of money to that person but end up saving more than if I had the printing company ship them all the way from the other side of the Pacific.

In order for this venture of mine to be worthwhile, it makes more sense for me to have them made in the states and then brought over by someone kind enough to help me out. It's because of these "budget considerations" that I've created this post.

If I can figure this method out, then I'm going to pursue it. If I can't do it for under 1500 yen per garment, I'll just have to cancel the plan until I can find a more reasonable alternative.

That's the plan.
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