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kainpendragon (Offline)
JF's Ero Sennin
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11-15-2006, 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Anubis_Jill View Post
Well, I am a Capricorn, a cardinal sign of Earth. I was born on the 27th. And my tarot card is The Hermit. Thatis all I now. Kain, tell me about my sign. I like your horoscopes better!! I should subscribe to you. =D
lol I would love to tell ya but i forgot what i read about Capricorn. But out of the 3 capricorns i do know. these are the things i noticed about them, Most are very very shy until you get to know them. They are very very sexual with there choosen mate but no one else. This does not mean they are all faith ful this just mean when they choose you as a mate they focus there sexual engerys on those people and only those people get to see there sexual side. The few i have known are very playful and silly people. Hard to take them serious but when they to stand firm on something the hole world is going to know. Also they tend to avoid confrantion at all cost much like earth sighn verigo but they fight when need to. Verigo will almost never fight it not that they are sacred they just don't see the reason for it and will back down or move away. A Cap will have to be pushed very far to say something but they will do it.

The stuff i remember is From Libra, Aries, Scorpio , Sagttiurs <---- i have never goten along with any Sagttiurs evey one i run into just admits aura i find distaste full. I also find it hard to be around scorpio's expect those born in the frist 2 weeks of it. that just me

but i also remember Cancer, Leo, Picese. I don't remeber to much about tauras either other then they tend to be super play ful to the point at witch it become super lazy and that they are stuborn but not as much as a leo.

hehehe i don't think the leo is stuborn really they just don't like there pride getting hurt so it seems like them are more stuburn.

As you can tell i don't remmeber to much about the earth sighn that because i never true had a good connection with one so i never botherd to look it up.

all the ones i know are sighn that i know Libra tend to mix with witch is all the other air sighn and 1 fire and some all of the waters then tend to go around but rarely trust

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin

Last edited by kainpendragon : 11-15-2006 at 07:51 PM.
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