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KylieHJensen (Offline)
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Location: United States / Taiwan / Norway
08-12-2010, 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
America. Compared to much of Europe, Asia, South America and other areas, infidelity is much more of a crime in the US than it is in other parts of the world.
Do you really think "everyone cheats"?
While infidelity is perceived as more of a crime in the U.S. than most other nations is quite true, let us not forget the fact that the act of adultery in general are view the same. Infidelity causes emotional harm and at time can be financially as well.

If a nation accepts infidelity more so than another, it becomes a cultural thing but yet take away the pain and suffering by the inflicted person. It merely becomes an overshadows of a general population and perceived it as more tolerable. If the question of "Japanese men do cheat more" is indeed true. Does that make Japanese women tolerate adultery better than American women? Do Japanese women in general accepted adultery better than people of other nations? We then open a whole new topic of "cultural acceptance to certain matter." and can debate forever on it.

Do I think Japanese men cheat more? No. I tend to think Japan advertise sex more so than other nations. It is even in the comic books, commercials, and etc., When sex is advertised in almost every category, you will constantly be reminded and makes one want it more often and becomes more open about it. However, that does not make the nation more sexual than others, rather just more open.

"Knowledge is Power" ... Francis Bacon

Last edited by KylieHJensen : 08-12-2010 at 07:26 PM.
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