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(#13 (permalink))
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KylieHJensen (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 63
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: United States / Taiwan / Norway
08-12-2010, 09:32 PM

Some of you are realistically harsh. The OP will be moving to Japan, and instead of showing him some guidance and providing tips. Most of you manage to successfully insult him. If I were to move to Japan for 2 years, and after reading your post, I would certainly feel intimidated and by all means hesitant to go.

Life does not always come easy for everyone. It is easy to say a person needs a good few years of preparation before heading to Japan (or any other country.) However, one may decide to accept a job because of high salary pay, being the best offer out there, or simply a great opportunity.

To the OP, when I was younger, my sister and I made the sudden choice of moving to United States with knowing little to no English. my advice is to find a good Japanese/English translation book, learn as much Japanese as you can (take additional courses at a college on top of a tutor.) Read up and learn the Japanese Business customs so you won't be ignorant when you get there. As far as golfing goes, you might want to really get into it, it is not a sport where you can easily pick up.

"Knowledge is Power" ... Francis Bacon
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