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(#745 (permalink))
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YuriTokoro (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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08-13-2010, 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Interesting post, Yuri. Not much changes had to be made, mainly to increase smooth reading and presentation of concepts.
Koir, thanks as always!

"If I translate “oyasuminasai” into English literally, it means “Get rest, please”. It is in imperative form."

The words "it means" was added to link the expression and the translation more naturally. "This means this".
“it means”…I see.

"Perhaps you would think this expression is said only to a person who is going to bed."
“Perhaps” sounds very precise to start the sentence. Thanks.

The beginning of the sentence was changed to not have the same verb repeated twice, which would be confusing to a reader.
This is very helpful information. I didn’t know this.

"Only" is added to present the reader's possible thinking that the expression is only used in one situation, which transitions to the rest of post showing other ways it is used.
Yes, the sentence must have the word “only”.
I always seem to forget the word.

"However, we say it both to a person who is going to bed, and when we ourselves are going to bed."

The phrase "to a person who is going to bed" was moved to create a parallel structure explaining both times the expression is used. "Ourselves" is used to reinforce the individually-centred definition of the expression.
Can these clauses, ”to a person who is going to bed” and “when we ourselves are going to bed”, be parallel? I didn’t know this rule.

I really have no clear answer to how we can tell someone in English to go to bed, beyond making a suggestion or speaking about how a long night of rest will help the other person start their day.
Don’t you say “Good night” to your family when you are going to bed ?

Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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