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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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08-13-2010, 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
This isn't academia. It's an ordinary discussion board. You can take you ideas somewhere else.
Here is an idea. Maybe you should stop talking about subjects which require, or benefit from academic analysis if you want "ordinary discussion". Maybe you should go into one of the threads along the lines of "Which dragonball Z character is the coolest" etc if you want to avoid academic discussion or "ideas".

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
And yet, you don't understand many of what I said. We think very different. So why do we argue in the first place? You keep challenging me. While I try to avoid you since I can never understand your position since we will never agree with each other.
It has nothing to do with you. If I see an idea or thought that I disagree with, I say something. Its a forum... its usually how these kind of places work. For your information Ive got a couple of other active discussions on the go and they dont involve you so get over yourself.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Ryzorian said that he often make typos and said his English isn't very good. Seems that you only say this to people of Asian or African descendants (i.e. noodle). Why don't you say "your English is bad" to Ryzorian? I was raised in Canada and the USA for that matter. Perhaps you have bad English? That was a 06-08-2010 comment to a Chinese-named JFer made by you. Since I'm a Korean-Chinese, I think I should be offended by the "Chinese fascist" phrase.
I notice mistakes and if relevant (as in the case of "atreides" who was claiming to be a native English speaker from New Zealand) I point them out.

Actually... noodle's command of English is pretty good. However he used to be in the habit of misinterpreting me, so my questioning of his English ability is more of a taunt than anything else.

You however make simple mistakes and often make points that I have already directly addressed (whereas noodle would acknowledge them and twist them to suit him) which says to me that perhaps you dont understand what Im saying. Which is not your fault and I wouldnt hold it against you if not for the fact that you are so hostile.
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