Originally Posted by KylieHJensen
Ever thought of why the (ex)boyfriend would agree to go on a date with the previous girlfriend after the initial break up? One has to still have feelings for in order to agree to such ordeal.
Regardless the situation between him and the previous girlfriend. Pattern seems to repeat itself and I hold true to my statement above. I sincerely hope she can make the correct decisions, otherwise it's going to be a long hurtful summer.
we both want the greater good for Nobora (that's why we are here from the first place) and u're using ur experience and i'm using mine ... so far so good but remember something we really dunno anything about him and his character that's why i never said "he is" and i always said " i think he might be" and that's why i never said " go for it" and i said "i would say go for it" and finally that's why i keep telling Nobora to just read our posts and only she decides what to do as she knows him best. You on the other hand keep saying "he is" and "it is going to be a hurtful summer" i mean u speak as if it is a fact.
were i in his place and i broke up with my girl friend because of some family issues and it seemed that there was no way we could be back to each other again because then i would have to choose between her and my family and making a lot of troubles with my family, then why not going out with any other girl (my ex gf or not)? i mean there is neither loyalty nor treason in that and my proof to that is that when he asked Nobora what to do .. the normal answer was "it's ur life and ur decision" ... i know she didn't want to say that but it's the normal answer!
I tried really to explain all that in my previous post which i think u missunderstood it and i say it again maybe he made a mistake by going out with his ex gf as she cheated him before but then again when u r hurt sometimes u dun take the right decisions and i think he was honest enough to tell Nobora that his ex gf ignored him and he didn't make up any story to make him look like the one who ignored his ex gf