Originally Posted by komitsuki
If that's the case, then what do you think of the Pirate Parties being legal in Europe, Canada and the USA? They are promoting an activity of criticizing the whole nature of copyright in the digital environment? Copyright issue itself is gray.
Never heard of pirate parties, but just because they say copyright is "gray" doesn't make it so.
Originally Posted by komitsuki
Read all of your posts carefully for few years on copyright. You seem to secretly love this concept. But that's just my guess.
Here are two options:
1. You keep complaining about online manga, games or movie piracy (which is still growing thanks to many forms of encryption) until you die.
2. You promote a middle way to satisfy both sides.
Actually, I'm in favor of reforming the copyright laws since they're early 20th century relics. And manga artists should have donation boxes embedded in their website or blogs.
I am not in love with copyright, per se. I am "in love" with protecting people's rights to not have their work stolen from them. In the same way I guess I am "in love" with car door locks, as I don't like people stealing stuff out of my car.
To satisfy both sides there needs to be balance. A transaction is that...an exchange that goes both ways.
When one side isn't willing to engage in exchange, there is no transaction and no balance.