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(#191 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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08-13-2010, 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Just a quick search on the internet and I've found this;

"A U.S. library does not have to license the material. Under the “first sale doctrine” codified in the 1976 Copyright Act, the legal purchaser of a book (or videotape, or DVD) is free to dispose of it as he/she wishes – to re-sell, or lease it as long as he/she does not copy it."

Like ponadok said, it's in some countries only where they have to pay royalties. So the issue (at least in the US) comes down to copying just as this was the issue with Napster... MP3's were being copied, so it broke copyright laws... however, if OneManga were to make their content blocked and unable to be copied, it would be perfectly legal... right?

I think that publishers aren't going to get very far with this when someone can be bothered to make a site where content can only be viewed and not copied! Unless I'm mistaken, this is the loophole that will be exploited!
The moment it is scanned and has been converted to e-form, it has been copied. You then have two versions from one original.
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