Originally Posted by Kayci
I hate not being taken seriously when I mention I study it to potential hiring peeps or others.
"oh, so you watch anime."
"No. Once upon a time, but my love for the language and culture was long before."
"Oh, so you're a gaming nerd."
"Oh, so you're a weeaboo?"
"...Would it be professional to hit you?"
The last too lines are exagerrated, for the record. But I get called a weeaboo a lot. Even now as I am studying Korean. BLAH. DX
FUCKING THIS. EVERY TIME. It always had to involve anime. Don't get me wrong, I love anime; but whenever I mention that
I study Japanese at my Michigan school, someone always has to say "Oh, ching chong. Ping Pang", or "Don't the Japanese have those Chinese cartoons?",