Hi everyone

Well...I know I've got some pictures I promised to show you before and
some more messages I should write to thank your help and everything, but
can I start it all new again here??? will you forgive me?
Cos I've got a big plan now, and I really want you guys to help me (us) with it!
Here is my plan.....
well.... first of all,
Do you know this anime movie called "Summer Wars"
I haven't watched it properly yet, but I happend to live in the city where you can see in this movie, so I thought this is a great way for us to show what our city is like to many many people in the world!
Well, of course the story is fiction but if you come this town, you can see some sceneries and things you saw in the movie.
just like this!
YouTube - HD サマーウォーズの聖地 上田市
So...I 'm thinking of making a promotional kind of video for this city including this movie sceneries.
I'd like to make one with my friends and students for fun(and also educational)!
We all will try to speak in English in this video and there will be subtitles in Japanese(hopefully).
So, I (we) need your help pleeeeez!
It will take a long time to finish it cos I am hopeless with compurter thingy... and have no idea how to edit the video...but I will try my best!(or find someone clever!)
I want my students 4-11 years old and their families to say something in English and also we want the kids in Japan and other countries to watch that , so
we need simple but natural and attractive lines (sentences) in English.
some idea for a start....
for 9-11 years old girls and boys:
(In the classroom)
Hello everyone.
My name is XXX. (x 3 girls 2 boys)
We live in a city called Ueda.(pointing at a map)
Ueda is one of the cities in Nagano.
Have you heard of Nagano?
Maybe your big sisters or brothers know about the Nagano Winter Olympics took place in 1998.
(mmm I'm not sure about this sentence.... can you make it better for me?)
(showing some Olympic stuff maybe)
It was a long long time ago.
We weren't born yet !!
How about you?
We'll show you our city ("town" sounds better? it's not a big city at all).
Let's take a train!(walking to the staion)
Here is the bending machine you can buy the tickets!
see? (or "watch me", or "I'll show you" better?)
(and they actually put the coins or note in it)
Here comes the train!(the kids wave to the driver; hopefully the driver waves back but Japanese are very shy... so maybe not, we will see!)
(we all get on the train)
(In the train)
? I don't know what we can say about here.
any idea? please
we will only have 5-7 mins to get to the staion where we get off.
mmm maybe the kids will give you some Japanese lesson like...
Look! This is つりかわ in Japanese. You can hold on to it when you are stainding up. Like this!
This is XXX in Japanese... and blah blah blah..?
(getting off and walking to the place where we can show you "Summer Wars" stuff")
and maybe after that,
the kids will go and find some tourists (look like tourists) and ask some question in English eg.if Summer wars was the reason why they came to Ueda or if they have seen the movie or where they were from or things like that.
What question would you like to be asked if you were there?
I did the similar thing with my students before (no video recording though) and we met 2 girls from US and we did a little tour together.
And also when I was with the little kids a kid found a 50 yen coin on the street, so we all went to the police station to give it to them. The police were amazed cos the kids were talking to me in English and they asked the kids some questions in English, like how old are you? We had fun with the police!(but I had to fill in a form about finding the money...too much work for a 50 yen coin!)
Here are some pictures: one with the girls from US and the local train you can see in the movie!