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YuriTokoro (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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08-14-2010, 02:18 PM

Could someone correct my English?

“Jdn-san’s Questions from Poland”

These questions are from jdn-san of my previous post about Bibohgami-The God of Poverty.

How do I invite fukunokami?
How to ward off binbohgami?

The answer is : Don’t be lazy. The binbohgami loves lazy people.
Keep your room warm especially on New Year’s Eve. Binbohgami hates a warm room. On the other hand, fukunokami loves it.
Keep your room clean through a whole year.
Then, be good and kind to everyone around you.

There is a story. The binbohgami appeared at a house of a poor man. He showed the binbohgami gracious hospitality. Then, the bingohgami turned to the fukunokami(the god of fortune).
This story means that you should welcome everyone even if the person seems to harm you.

Can you do that?

Thank you!

Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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