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(#30 (permalink))
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YuriTokoro (Offline)
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08-15-2010, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by SqueakyRat View Post

Almost, [einige] is incorrect. I was about to say [einiges] but now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure if that's correct either, it still sounds a bit weird. I have heard it enough times in similar cases (From native speakers.) and I myself would probably use it (As a native speaker.) but it might actually be incorrect from a grammatical viewpoint and we just get away with it in colloquial speech. I'm not sure. For now better use [ein wenig] or [ein bisschen]. Those two are correct.
Guten Morgen!

I see. My German is not that advanced to understand [ein wenig] or [ein bisschen]. My dictionary has [wenig] and [bisschen], but not [ein wenig] or [ein bisschen].
Now, how about this?
The men harvest vegetables. = Die Männer ernten Gemüse.

The men have harvested vegetables. = Die Männer haben Gemüse geerntet.

A more fitting translation for landlord would be [Grundstückbesitzer] in this case.

You can also say [Der Grundstückbesitzer verkauft den Männern die Felder.] It sounds a little bit better I think, but your sentence is correct as well.
The landlord sells the fields to the men.= Der Grundstückbesitzer verkauft den Männern die Felder.

The landlord has sold the fields to the men.= Der Grundstückbesitzer hat den Männern die Felder verkauft.

Here, I need some other sentences with [die Männer] instead of [The landlord sells the fields to the men. = Der Wirt verkauft die Felder an die Männer.]

Hmm… I can’t find any sentences with [die Männer]. I have spent one hour, but still I can’t.
Could you give me one?

Your other sentences are all correct. I see you're making progress.
The German grammar is really difficult, but I’m trying to learn it!

Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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