Originally Posted by Sangetsu
The crux of the argument is that getting permission to build a Christian (or Jewish, or Buddhist) church or large religious center anywhere in Manhattan is next to an impossibility, but building an Islamic community center somehow gets wide approval from everyone from Mayor Bloomberg to President Obama himself. Critics of the community center see this as "special" treatment based upon religious preference, which is also considered patently unconstitutional.
Do you have the facts or are you just talking sh...?
You said its difficult but is it impossible to get approval?
Someone said earlier that there were churches and synagogues in Manhattan too... so perhaps the truth is that the Christians and the Jews just didnt apply or their proposals didnt meet a certain standard.
Dont get me wrong... Im no fan of religion either, but Im even more opposed to discrimination.
Furthermore... I havent seen that argument as a main talking point. Most of the republican talking points centre on the insensitivity of it.
The guy who proposed the Islamic centre however, is supposedly a well renowned moderate who advocates peace and tolerance so I cant think of anything MORE appropriate to build in and around ground zero.