Originally Posted by Jaydelart
I came to the conclusion of the former by means of simplification of the latter, hence my use of the word 'basically'... but I digress... I don't agree. In terms of personal theories and observations, I'm more inclined to think that Japan is generally more prone to racism than Korea. And I'm being unbiased.
South Korea is on the brink of war, and has been for a long time. This may be the cause for its nationalism. It may be a very important factor in this issue. You agree that this nationalism is race-based, and I'm convinced that's it's natural and unavoidable; obviously, who else will suffer South Korea's home struggle other than the South Koreans (excluding soldiers from other countries). History has also displayed S. Korea's significant dependancy on and acceptance of foreign national bodies such as America. This indicates a certain level of tolerance of outside influences in comparison to that of Japan. Japan is not completely unlike Korea, which you and I agree on, but it can't share this position to the same extent as Korea, in my opinion, and almost has what seems like the complete opposite: in history, an initiative of invasion. Which is why I pointed it out originally.
Of course, I'm aware we're just trading opinions at this point. lol
The difference between your opinion and mine is that yours draws parallels between history and attitudes today that dont exist, therefore is as valid as the opinion that the Earth is the centre of the universe.
To the average Japanese person... Japan's period of isolation is a chapter in a history book. I assume that it is the same with most Koreans (though some of the more recent movements involving takeshima/dokdo as well as the dispute between a mountain near the Chinese border seem to invoke pre-20th century claims)
Furthermore... Japan after WW2 is an entirely different beast than Edo Japan.
It would be like assuming America is more racist than Japan because America had a history of the belief in white supremacy.
Not to mention that I can actually give you a statistic that backs up my opinion.