Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
Guten Morgen!
I see. My German is not that advanced to understand [ein wenig] or [ein bisschen]. My dictionary has [wenig] and [bisschen], but not [ein wenig] or [ein bisschen].
Literally it means something like "a bit/a little". It was the closest to "some" that I could think of, without using [einiges].
Now, how about this?
The men harvest vegetables. = Die Männer ernten Gemüse.
(Yes, that's correct as well.)
Hmm… I can’t find any sentences with [die Männer]. I have spent one hour, but still I can’t.
Could you give me one?
[Der Wachhund verjagt die Männer vom Grundstück.] The guard dog is chasing the men away from the property.
[Der Wachhund hat die Männer vom Grundstück verjagt.] The guard dog has chased the men away from the property.
[Die Männer werden vom Wachhund verjagt.] The men are being chased away by the guard dog.
[Die Männer wurden vom Wachhund verjagt.] The men were chased away by the guard dog.
[Plötzlich werden die Männer von einem bösartigen Eichhörnchen angegriffen.] Suddenly, the men are being attacked by a ferocious squirrel.