Originally Posted by Juicechan
i dont think its true but i heard that the white stuff that the japanese use on their face is actually made of bird poop... i doubt its true but if it is let me know
its true. i did a research paper/presentation when i was in highschool. back in the era it was originally made from extracting some odd mixture or whatever base for the white make up. in today's century obviously the Japanese have made the white make up a bit more safer for peoples healths. because when it was originally made from the bird excrement the geisha normally had the white make up on for very long periods of time. and it would end up turning their skin yellow. and since the geisha had that white make up on practically every day their skin started deteriorating (not because of the chemicals of the excrement) because of the lack of "air" their skin had. the bird excrement was not a make up that let the skin breath properly. just like how if ppl put nail polish on ALOT their nails start turning yellow.. every part of a persons body needs air. otherwise bad things happen :/
hope that helped. if u need more info they have it on wiki if you type in geisha, theres probably a section for "make up"
