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(#141 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Feb 2010
08-16-2010, 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
仕上げたヴィデオを見えるの楽しみにしてるよ!W〜 � �っぱり、最近よくNHKWorldを見て、色々な小さい町に着い て習っています。
仕上がったビデオが見られるのを~ or 仕上がったビデオを見るのを~ sounds a bit better I think
you meant
recently I learn about the small towns in Japan through watching NHK?
習っていますsounds like there is/are someone telling/teaching you... so
maybe 学んでいます better maybe.

Right! Those all sound great
That's a really good idea. I think on a lot of 'let's see Japan' programs, they focus too much on what people who don't live there think of the place! I'd always like to know more about what the local people think of where they live. After all, they know it best!
Cool! I want more and more local people to get involved in this and finally we will have a lot of visiters from Ueda to come to JF!haha
Yes, 'the city' is fine, because that can mean the central area. Haha, I thought 'bending machine' sounded very Japanese too, but I didn't like to say :3
oh, thanks for being so polite. but you know,I wouldn't mind!
I will probablly laugh about it together!
It's hard to say for sure, because in the UK, a city is any 'town' that has a cathedral in it. That's why Oxford is a city, even though it's really quite small. For Japanese places, I think we tend to follow the clues given by Kanji, so 市is always city and 町 is town, and 村 of course is a village. Wikipedia calls Ueda a city, and the population is quite high, so i'd say it's a city.
That's very interesting! because of the cathedrals?! I didn't know that.
Thank you!
Ueda used to be smaller, but they swallowed up the few villages and towns around to make it look bigger! That idea didn't go well... so the city is very quiet. This afternoon I was chatting with a manager of a big chinese restaurant, he said he can't see any possibilities for this city to get any better, cos the people don't get paid well so they don't pay well... like my school... there are always people trying to avoid paying the school fee... I feel like quiting everytime I have to listen to their excuses... The restaurant owner was so mad when he heard my story about them, he said he hates that kind of people and it's just like they didn't pay for what they ate at his restaurant.
He is right... If they don't stop acting like that... I might quit this whole school thing by the end of the school year which is March in 2011, so this video project might be the last big work... mmm why am I whining now?

Thank u Columbine, I enjoy talking with you everytime
Have a good night!

Last edited by yumyumtimtam : 08-16-2010 at 01:43 PM.
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