Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
How about the mums in UK?
"say bye bye to your pooh bear,darling" ?
『プーさん ないない(しましょうねぇ~)』 in Japanese maybe 
I can't remember what my parents used to say. Probably something pretty normal actually like "Go put Pooh away now," or something. haha, only I had a penguin, not a Pooh bear.
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
You know many Japanese say "sank you",
so to you they sound like babies!
Wow, "fank you" sounds quite dangerous doesn't it?!
but I like it.
haha, that's true, i hadn't thought of that. But when Japanese people say it, it just sounds kind of cute, not really babyish. Though it's a little bit odd to hear an ojisan use it!
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
How do you pronounce gee-gee? like GG?
Do you grown-ups call Pyjamas "PJ" in UK?
Yes, Gee-gee is pronounced G-G. PJ's is pretty common amongst all ages, but for some reason, Pajamas aren't too popular any more. I guess because everyone has central heating, they don't like wearing as much as pajamas to sleep. Or they'd rather not have to buy pajamas, so just wear old t-shirts and tracksuit trousers or something. Lots of guys don't wear anything at all!
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
Oh I remeber in Australia,
Kangaroo = roo
toilet= loo
koala= koala bear (even koalas arent bears at all)
Koalas in our house were always called 'kuggie bears'. 'kug' was local slang for 'hug' or 'cuddle', and koalas always look like they're hugging the trees, so 'kuggie bears!"
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
Our family had our original verb
we used to say like...
『XXは ガッチャンするだけでいいからね~ すぐで かけるから~』
『ガッチャンしておいてよ~ XXが風で開いちゃうじ ゃ~ん』
Can you guess?
oh wow! does it mean 'to close' or something? ガッチャン sounds like a door closing or something.
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
Oh rabbits hollar too?
Ip dip dip one chants like Eenie Menie?
驚いたことに、ウサギは時々うるさいです。子どもごろ 、ある農場でうちの馬を飼いました。田も馬屋もを貸す の事ですよ。とにかく、ある夏ホルピン農さんはトラベ ラーズ(ギルシ)でこまっていました。よくトラベラー ズは農さんの田に不法侵入していて、ウサギの罠をおい ていました。馬の田にも、罠を見つけました。では、私 と姉は田に掃除しながら、突然変な音を聞こえる。大き くひどい音でした。姉は、「あれ、誰か、叫んでいるの ?」といいました。狐は秋でよく叫んでいるけど、それ は違いです。これは本当に生け垣子どもの叫び声でした 。もちろん、罠にかかったウサギでした。
Ip dip dip chants just like eenie-meenie (slightly different rhythm), only we used to count it over feet, not just pointing at the people. We had another one that went "Ip dip, sky blue, you stepped in dog poo!"
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
I remember a naughty one when I was a elementary school kid!
Boys say "パン 2 O みえ!" when they saw girl's underpants!
They had some hand gesture too.
clap your hands once
show your pointer and middle finger
make a circle with your thumb and pointer
put your hand (horizontal) on your forehead
Haha, that's hilarious.
My cousins and I all called it 'tag', but oddly, our parents all called it 'tig'. I think 'tig' seems to be more common, but I still prefer tag.