I'm from holland too

First of all, you say もしもし (moshimoshi) only when you pick up the phone
I suggest you start with learning 'hiragana' and 'katakana', two of the three Japanese text 'scripts'. The other one is 'kanji'. This one is far more difficult, because 2000 - 3000 kanji characters are used in common life in Japan .
I recommend using this site for especially hiragana and katakana, it's very useful

Learn the Japanese Language Online - japanese-lesson.com
On this forum, when we are talking (about) Japanese we prefer to use the Japanese characters (so at least hiragana or katakana, because every kanji can be written in hiragana or katakana).
With this, I mean that you shouldn't use romaji (with roman letters like we use in Europe).
I hope this information was helped you out a bit
Greetings from Holland too!
PS: Ik heb het in het Engels geschreven zodat anderen het ook kunnen lezen