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hunterofpeace (Offline)
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Doing JET, need suggestions of where to live - 08-18-2010, 11:20 PM

I plan on applying for JET's 2011 program and I have no idea what to put as my preferences. So I have a few questions. First, is there anywhere in Japan that neither gets absolutely freezing or hot as balls? I have heard about their summers and/or winters being pretty extreme, depending on where you live and I wondered if there was any middle ground. I live in the southern part of the USA so I'm used to heat more than cold but I would love to be somewhere mild if it exists. If not, it doesn't matter but I was just curious. Also, I'm looking for a more suburban lifestyle. Not too urban or rural. Perhaps on the fringes of a city? Am I more or less likely to get my choices if I ask for rural or urban placement? Also, is it possible to live comfortably while still being able to pay of student loans back home? Lastly, and this is just for the sake of curiosity, which city would you say has the best food? ^_^ I would love any insight from former JET participants or anyone who has lived in Japan for a little while. Thanks.
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