Konichiwa, bitches
Posts: 921
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: under your bed
08-20-2010, 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by MMM
CNN did a survey of Americans and 68% said they didn't believe a mosque should be placed at Ground Zero. I agree with that. Ground Zero should be considered hallowed ground, and there should not be a mosque, church, convenience store, Gap or McDonald's placed there.
The real crime is that the memorial or museum that should be placed there hasn't been built yet.
The Islamic community center, with basketball court and cooking classes that will be built blocks away.
That is not sacred, hallowed ground. If it is, they should probably shut down the adult video store and "gentlemen's club" that exist between the two sites.
There is nothing wrong with a Mosque. I bet if it was a damn Christian or Catholic church, no one would oppose that, would they?? You know, all muslims weren't on those planes. Stop treating them like they were. They have just as much right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country does. 9/11 was 9 years ago. Get over it and live your lives!! 
P.S- I'm not getting anygry at you, MMM.