Originally Posted by steven
Sounds like you got a bum deal when times were good... that's really too bad. Unfortunately I think rules have changed for current JETs regarding summer vacation. I've heard that things have gotten a little bit more strict over the years. I would kill for a whole summer vacation off!
Your school dwarves the schools around here! That means you must've had a lot of teachers gone at once. I'm suprised at your description of the teachers' room... it sounds like my school is quite different as there is pretty much always someone here (and I mean always). I think there was one day during obon where there were like only 2 teachers around, but that was an anomolie to say the least, and I'm sure other teachers stopped by during the day.
I have actually been curious about that "patrolling" thing and whether or not it happened in cities or more suburban areas. It's a little bit to my chagrin that it does happen to be honest. It's definitely the American left over in me, but that reminds me a bit too much of "1984" if you know what I mean.
I am not one to complain. Yes, all the teachers were gone at once. There were office staff here, but the teacher's office was just me and the VP over the summers.
The patrolling happened, but I don't know if it was a regular thing. Before school started certain teachers would patrol to make sure kids weren't smoking as they walked or biked to school. They would also patrol to make sure kids weren't riding motorcycles. Funny, huh?