Originally Posted by steven
My wife attributed it to the fact that we live in the inaka, so there isn't much to do entertainment wise... and plus the economy isn't too good. I'm sure you can figure what the equation consists of, but what it equates to is more kids  .
My take on this is that there is more family support in the country side, and more money to go around because of it. In the country, there is a pretty fair chance that you`re going to either be living with or very close to your extended family... In other words, free childcare if you work, or free food and kid stuff if you don`t. Not to mention that there is a lot more pressure to produce grandchildren.
Even if there is no family in the area, the cost of living itself and the cost of childcare/schooling is lower. Where my in-laws live, you could probably survive on the stuff people leave in the doorway when they cook too much or grow too much in the garden. I would be willing to bet you could go months without buying much of anything at all. Because of this and the low price of stuff in general - it`s a lot easier to only have one person working to support the household.
The problem is that so many people have moved out to the cities where there isn`t much support, where things cost a lot, and where time is hard to come by because everyone has to work to get by.
When both you and your partner are working 12 hour days, it`s hard to find the time and energy to "practice" making babies, let alone the time to really make and raise one.