MMM. let's examine the poll that is the source of the controversy.
It was not conducted by CNN. It was conducted by a private company owned by who-knows-what. The first publication of it was in Time Magazine.
But when the results were broken down, get a load of a bit clearer truth....
"Broken down by borough,
Manhattan was the most in favor of the mosque, with only 36 percent of residents against it. On the other end of the spectrum was
Staten Island, where 73 percent of respondents were opposed."
Ground Zero is in Manhattan if anyone missed that point and those in Manhattan have the least objections. So the rest of the world needs to butt out of their business.
Not only that, there is no part of it to be a mosque and no one has objected to the regular Islmaic prayers have been conducted there ever since 9/11 for the Islamic victims that were killed at the Towers.