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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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08-21-2010, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Applestar View Post
Hi everyone! After browsing the Japan Forum, I had a few questions on what would be best to learn the Japanese language.

I've enrolled in a beginning Japanese class for the fall quarter at my University. The required textbook is Genki. I've heard both the good and the bad about this textbook, and would like to know what you all thought of this textbook!

Over the summer, I've studied Hiragana and Katakana (though, I need to review them more so I can read and write them without pauses or those 'thinking moments' haha)! -- Using resources like Smart.FM, an old textbook my dad kept (from Korean to Japanese), and flashcards.

What resourses have you used to study Japanese? Which would you recommend fellow learners to use? Which are an absolute no-no?

Thank you! ^^
There are about a thousand threads discussing this very topic already. Please use the search function. It is much faster than asking, and we get tired of answering the same question over and over.

Regardless, welcome to JF!
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