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08-22-2010, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
As to Islam, yes, it seeks to take over the world under one Claiphet, that's it's ultimate objective and they will use to force to get there. That would mean everyone lives under shira law, you can pretty much throw the constitution out the window if that happens, cause it won't exist.

It's all in the Koran,( a pretty scary read) wich is basically a play by play on how they are suppose to conduct operations, both within the muslim community and on the infidel.
The infidel ( wich would be everyone non muslim) either converts or they are killed, no negotians, no liveing with peace and tolerance. In fact, muslims can't sign any peace deal or deal of any kind with a non muslim that lasts for more than 10 years. They break it after that, many times before, if they can.
What? I never heard about that objective.. where did you heard or read about it? What is your resources?? Do you think every Muslim countries live according to the Sharia Laws? Do you even know about Sharia Laws anyway?? I think in your mind, Sharia Laws is all about stone-throwing to adulterers and stuff..

Do you even read the Quran? Or you read some books that put some incomplete verses from the Quran and start to infer according to the writers mind.. If the Quran was so scary to read, how come there are more than 1 billion people embracing it? What are your logic/reasons regarding the peace deal? Are you trying to talk about the case of Palestine/Israel issue?? Come on, search more, listen to both stories before making any judgment..


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