08-23-2010, 03:17 AM
Do you think the majority of Islamic people were for the attack? Do you think the majority of them think that the mosque has the significance you say it does? I'm inclined to beleive that the majority don't feel that way at all.
Something really significant that I thought of when September 11 happened was how the American government saw it fit to basically arrest "Arabic" people. One of my brother's friends was arrested (I really disliked that person, but he obviously had nothing to do with 911... so even I wouldn't have wished that on him). If "liberty and freedom" and all the bullshit that goes with those two words is so important, then how could something like that happen?
If you rewind history 50 years prior to 911, you'll notice a similar event. Although the attack on Pearl Harbor was much more obviously a government sponsored thing, a similar action took place as a result. Japanese Americans got completely shafted. Not only were they basically put into camps, but their land was taken away, so much for "Life, Liberty, and Property" (which later got switched to "the Pursuit of Happiness"). Many of my grandpas close friends and neighborhood families were subjected to that treatment. Ironically, my grandpa was a first generation American, and some of his friends whose parents and maybe even grandparetns were born in America had this happen to them.
History had basically completely repeated itself in 2 generations after 911. So in otherwords, maybe it'd be a good idea to try to learn something from 911 and the "laws" that came out of it if we are concerned about "liberty and justice for all". (I figured it'd be a good idea to leave out the "under god" to avoid religious debate).