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(#14 (permalink))
Qayin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 119
Join Date: Aug 2010
08-23-2010, 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Being a Thai native should still be an advantage over English natives, but I don't have the actual data. I would assume you'd be something like Chinese natives except that you'll need to memorize 2000+ Kanjis, which shouldn't be THAT hard if you are serious about it. 10 Kanjis a day, probably something like an hour a day, and it doesn't take a year.

To get into English courses, you won't need Japanese skills but you will probably need GMAT and TOEFL score. But I guarantee you, you'll acquire little Japanese skills in 2 years if you take classes in English. Japanese MBA isn't highly praised, even in Japan, so I would rather go to a collage in the states and do exchange program than taking a course in English in Japan.

JLPT 1級(now N1) is a prerequisite for many Japanese MBA courses. You'll probably need a year or more of study for that, so how about setting that as your first objective? Japanese collages are known to be harder to get in and easier to graduate, so I don't think you need to worry about graduating too much.
Thank you for your advice. May be like you said, to go to the US and admit to the college that has exchange program might be better and easier. It's not that I wanna give up Japanese but when I consider about passing JLPT1, it makes me almost cry because it will take me not less than 2-3 years to go to that point (I haven't take a test yet, but I assume that now I'm around JLPT4 level, so distant haha).
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