Fashion is what u make it
Posts: 221
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: East LonDoN, UK 東のロンドン

08-23-2010, 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by KylieHJensen
I find Blackberry very user UNFRIENDLY, especially web browsing. I recently upgraded to Android X, which is an awesome gadget.
I know what u mean. I just got mine about 2 months ago, and its the first fone that I've found so hard to get used to!
I also used Android, I have a HTC G1. I've had it for about a year and a half. And I enjoy using it for sure!
xNaMeLeSsX aka SaChIkO aka Sarah Cheeks/San
♀ ♀ SaCh Pwoductions™ ♀ ♀
Member of the infamous Lolita Clan
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And the Pucca Clan Leader