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steel87 (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2010
feedback needed ..please help :D - 08-23-2010, 03:32 PM

Hi I have a speech I have to hold in japanese on how I screwed something up. My text might not make any sense but any feedback on what I did wrong and should change is much appreciated. I did the text in eng too as an reference but it's very simplified cuz I'm only a beginner.

金曜日にぼくと彼女はパーテイーに行きました。でもそ のまえにぼくは木曜日におそくまで勉強したので朝寝坊 しまいました。ぼくの目覚まし時計がこわれましたそれ はぜんぜんきがつかなかったでした。ぼくははやく起き て、着替えなくちゃいけませんでした。六時ごろ駅に着 きました。彼女を待たせました、彼女は本当に怒ってい ました。でも 怒るのにぼくにしんぱいしました。彼女 はぼくの大切な人がいるのでもう一度接待に彼女をしん ぱいになるくないと言ました。そのあとは彼女は感動し たと笑っていました。ときどきばくがきらいてもいつも 好きです。

Last Friday me and my girlfriend went to a party but before that I overslept because I had studied late that thursday before. My alarm clock had broken and I hadn’t realized that at all. I had to get up quickly and change my clothes. At around 6 o’clock I arrived at the station, I had made my girlfriend wait for me. She was really angry but even though she was angry she was worried about me too. Because she’s my precious person I told her that no matter what I wouldn’t make her worried again. After that she was moved and laughed. Even though she hates me sometimes she always loves me.
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