08-24-2010, 05:43 AM
A famous Japanese writer from 明治 (Meiji) era called 夏目漱石(Natsume Souseki) once translated "I love you" as 「月が奇麗ですね。(The moon is beautiful)」. Things can be radically different in Japan. I like Sashimister's 祝! ふたりの一周年! if it's in writing. I don't know how you say it verbally though. Like him, I don't usually use 「おめでとう」for something that involves myself. It's a word I use to congratulate somebody. I feel going 夏目 style, like「一年たったね!(It's been a year!)」, sounds more natural, colloquially. Maybe saying something in 山形弁 is really cool, too bad I have no idea what it's like.