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Columbine (Offline)
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08-26-2010, 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
*Ummm isn't it irresponsible not to worry what happens to babies.

No obligation? that does seem very odd to me.

Well actually unless the girl or the man always carries contraceptives or the girl has injections against pregnancies surely self control does always come into it.

Are both partners always prepared?

So from what you are saying perhaps there are many abortions?
The abortion rate is quite high in Japan, and it's a fairly open and well accepted practice. There's no need to worry about an unwanted baby if it's never born, right? And in Japan there's nothing like a strong christian presence to make anyone feel morally bad about terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Not that I'm saying most women who get abortions don't ever feel bad about it, but compare to the UK where some girls would never tell anyone they had an abortion because of the huge guilt and shame factor. We always sketch around the subject for fear of finding out someone in the conversation is a pro-lifer.

Of course there's a social obligation to keep a child if you give birth to it in Japan, but there's not quite the same social bias towards going through with a pregnancy solely because it's the right thing to do.

Bit confused by what you mean by self-control, do you mean abstinence? I'm sure some couples practice it if they aren't prepared, but you can buy condoms in convenience shops, which are everywhere and stay open very late, so unless you really live stuck out somewhere, it's pretty easy to nip out and buy a packet. Injections and pills and so forth aren't really that popular, so yeah, I suppose people do carry condoms.
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