Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight
PS: I admit that not all girls have beautiful skin but pretty girls usually do, and bad skin is bad skin with or without makeup, if that's your case you would have to born again to have a better skin...
Whut? That's kinda like saying that a girl aint pretty if her skin aint too.
Being born again wouldn't necessarily bless you with great skin.
Wrong - if you look at photos of 'pretty girls' whom you believe have amazing skin; they most likely have a great-ass concealer and foundation to cover up any blemishes and rednesses. J/S. As a guy, you probably couldn't tell anyway..
And to the eyebrow thing...? LOL. My eyebrows are no use, then. Cause they sure don't do any work.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
what gets me is that so many people nowadays have cosmetic surgery because they are unhappy with the face and body God gave them.
Its up to the individual of course-- It worries me that so many girls have breast implants. I can't think why. If they have children, their breast shape would change anyway.
I enjoy seeing Make up though.
1. Not everyone believes in god - so let's just ignore that statement anyway.
2. Most women get larger breasts when they get pregnant - but that's the whole part of breast feeding. As soon as a woman stops breast feeding, her breasts will go back down - and many women will experience that her breasts become 'long and saggy'. lol
And.. not to let this get out of hand
This is me..
- and yes.. that's a duck mouth pose >_>