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Columbine (Offline)
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08-26-2010, 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Well, the moral values in Japan aren't based on the bible or the church. They are something among people and are often not explicitly told. Japanese people hate holier than thee attitude more than anything so they won't preach you, but that doesn't mean there is NO moral obligations. Japan actually has a lower abortion rate than UK.
Exactly, you don't get the preaching. No one's going to condemn you for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. I appreciate this isn't quite the same as universal acceptance. Thanks for the link, I guess my information was out of date! I'm surprised at the rates, though I'm not sure why as I knew Japan's was declining and ours was rising. Again though, I suspect this has much to do with each countries respective attitudes towards sex and contraception. We really fail at marketing it well.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Girls don't talk about abortion in Japan either. I have yet to meet a girl who confessed to having an abortion. Single mothers are relatively not common in Japan, so adding that to the statics, I can only assume they are more careful or they get married if they do get pregnant.
See, here I wonder if I've had unusually open conversations with Japanese girls, or if you (forgive me if I'm wrong) being older than me, women your age have a different approach to the subject and women my age (i'm 23) and younger don't broach it with people older than them either. Of course, i'm foreign as well, which might well make a difference. :/ A couple of my close friends work in Japan and they say the topic has come up before as well. And when I say talk about it, i'm not saying they broadcast it to the world, but they might tell their immediate family or a few friends. I can pick out of my peers a few girls who definitely haven't told their family, and I know one girl who never even told the father of the baby, because they're scared stiff of what the social backlash would be. and not irrationally either.

I really don't know. It's all rather complicated.
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