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(#17 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Jul 2010
08-26-2010, 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
Exactly, you don't get the preaching. No one's going to condemn you for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. I appreciate this isn't quite the same as universal acceptance.
I find everything about Japanese moral are a gradation from black to white, not clear cut black and white, though I have a feeling that people in the UK and other European countries are more like this compared to the people in the new world.

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
See, here I wonder if I've had unusually open conversations with Japanese girls, or if you (forgive me if I'm wrong) being older than me, women your age have a different approach to the subject and women my age (i'm 23) and younger don't broach it with people older than them either. Of course, i'm foreign as well, which might well make a difference. :/ A couple of my close friends work in Japan and they say the topic has come up before as well. And when I say talk about it, i'm not saying they broadcast it to the world, but they might tell their immediate family or a few friends. I can pick out of my peers a few girls who definitely haven't told their family, and I know one girl who never even told the father of the baby, because they're scared stiff of what the social backlash would be. and not irrationally either.

I really don't know. It's all rather complicated.
Haha, I may be old (38) but I don't think I'm so old that my moral values are totally different from people in their 20's. My younger brother was in his 20's until just last year too. When I was much younger and was a collage student, there were some rumors of girls having abortions, so there were probably talks among close friends. I wouldn't be surprised if a Japanese girl didn't tell her parents about it, or told her parents, probably just mom, but not her friends. But I too don't know. They just didn't talk openly especially with guys… some J girls might find it easier to divulge certain things to non-Japanese people though.

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
website with article on this subject. It is not recent but surely is informative
Okinawan Women Fighting for Support From U.S. Servicemen
mmm, typical NY Times tone they use when they talk about Japan and race, which is sometimes utterly inaccurate, so I'll take it with a grain of salt. For starters, there are 200 born in a year, and 4000 are abandoned. The math doesn't really adds up. But I found a Japanese paper that estimated the number of marriage between servicemen and local Japanese girls about 150 a year so I guess there is some truth to it.
沖縄タイムス | 米兵の邦人妻 苦悩 文化の違い 偏見に直面 琉大・ 宮西さん調査 Yナンバー車乗用せず/普天間包囲には参加も
It seems to be really hard for Japanese wives to find their husbands who simply left for the US, leaving their wives and kids behind, and some people are calling for a treaty that stipulates the US government find these guys and make them pay the child support. Germany has such a treaty, but Japan doesn't. Interesting. Thanks for the link.

Last edited by cranks : 08-26-2010 at 11:45 PM.
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