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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-27-2010, 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
I'm not so certain. This all seems like an unspoken/unwritten history (save for the bits footage taken of the pople involved or first hand/second hand accounts like you've heard. I wouldn't be suprised if similar things are happening today. Instead of quaint Japanese girls, they are quaint (fill in the blank) girls.
Oh, I`m sure it`s happening somewhere... Just not in Japan. I also have a feeling that the military has changed their policies somewhat and that it might be a little harder to pull off the same sort of thing.
Or rather - I hope.

Either way, it`s not really something that is happening on any major scale in Japan now and I don`t believe it`s currently a big issue. Even looking at the article about servicemen leaving their kids behind and not paying child support, etc etc - I`d say it would be a fair guess that the sort of thing it happening on equal levels with other types of employment in Japan.
I did a long stint as an on-call legal translator for "international" couples going through divorce (or missing father hunting...) And even after a legal marriage in Japan it was pretty common that the foreign husband would head home first leaving promises to bring her and the kids over - then never follow up on them. When checked out he`d be living with another Asian girl in his country. It was a painfully common thing.

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