Originally Posted by dogsbody70
I have to admit I wonder why so many wish to live in JAPAN.
what is the real attraction? Is it some sort of fantasy?
Living a real life and working there? It can be so busy and so many people.
Would reality fit the fantasy? I doubt it--
The Japanese seem to have to work extremely hard and long hours.
Life is what you make it-- where ever you happen to live isn't that the truth?
It does seems a large portion of the people on this forum professing undying love of everything Japan have never actually been here on a holiday let alone lived here for any length of time.
And often it seems many of their views of Japan have come out of comic books rather than any grasp on the reality of the place.
Still there's not that many people and it's definitely not all that busy where I live in Hokkaido. And it's lived up to all my fantasies but those were mostly to do with being inundated with ridiculous amounts of powder snow than anything about Japanese culture. So I'm pretty easily pleased
As you say life is what you make it. You can have a great life just about anywhere including here in Japan. If you're not all that happy where you live now though I reckon it's a good thing to look further afield. Just don't get too carried away thinking that Japan is some sort of utopian wonderland. It's not all good!