Thread: Study Tips?
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Kai13 (Offline)
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08-27-2010, 02:16 PM

Hm, does any of you know "word lists"?

Write a short list of 5-7 words in your target language (in this case, japanese), then read the wrods until you are confident you know the tranlation. Write a second list with the translation of the words, read through it till you're confident that you know the original words. Reread the original words. In the end rewrite the japanese words again.

This is great and the words will be in your short term memory, to solidify the knowlegde review them on a daily basis or whenever you think you should review them. Oh, I personally put the words in sentences wuth grammar I understand and review them on anki.

Other than that, I'm currently on genki's 21st lesson, after that I'll use minna no nihongo 2 (finished number one a few months ago) so that I can learn a few grammar points that genki doesn't cover.

I recomment Heisig remembering the kanji in order to remember how to WRITE with ease the kanji. That's hat I did and then started learning japanese with tons of kanji due to easiness in writing them.

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