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08-27-2010, 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by spoonybard View Post
I don't think otaku are the only ones who obsess over their favorite Japanese... whatever it may be, because this isn't something restricted to Jpop. Many female VRock fans also think, "Such and such member of such and such band is mine" as well, and VRock bands aren't really considered "idols". Also, Kpop groups have a following that are generally more obsessive than JPop and VRock combined.

Personally, I love anime/manga and videogames very much, but don't really much care for Jpop. The genre I listen to is mostly VRock, and outside of VRock, I listen to metal, techno, and videogame soundtracks, as well as some movie soundtracks. I also believe that VRock bands will do whatever the hell they want in the end, and these deluded people should get over themselves, but unfortunately, as previously mentioned, most female "fans" are deluded.
Uhhh.... are you referring to Visual Kei? or.. Vietnamese rock or? I'm gonna go with Visual Kei..

And I'd say you are COMPLETELY off with that. Visual Kei artists are seen just as much as idols as any members of a jpop group - genre doesn't change role. The 'switch' in matter is generally determined from how the needs change per genre.. If you watch concerts, you'll notice that just like jpop fans go crazy over their groups - VK fans go crazy too.

I think that you believe your beloved VK artists do whatever they want, because that's the image of them that you have. You see them as this 'breakout' from the Hollywood tendency that we all know so well - while in reality they are just as enslaved as actors in the jpop/kpop scene.

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