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(#26 (permalink))
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evanny (Offline)
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08-27-2010, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by yuriyuri View Post
If you are just practising and not being taught anything then how can you not say you are self-taught?
practising and being thought is the same thing..only difference is that on one instance it is teacher and on the other a friend/native/McDonalds employee or someone else...
lets say you do not attend clasees. you read at home (tho if you do attend you also read - everyone (hopefully) does) and you have a friend with whom you practice, lets say, 1 hr a week. at that point he becomes your sensei and there goes your "im totally and only self-thought" !!!

you can say that you are self thought if you get lost in the jungle and survive for 6 month until you are found - then you can say that you are self-thought survival expert, because you had noone else but yourself to learn from.
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