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(#32 (permalink))
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zoneoni (Offline)
Luna Corp // CEO
Posts: 127
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Florida spelled backwards is Japan
08-28-2010, 12:59 PM


Damn a two year necro. Blaah. lolz.

Luna Corp is getting ready to reopen it's doors.
For those of you who don't know what Luna Corp is.
It's a siggy making company. It has 3 people. Me, my invisible friend Scruffles who looks like a giant polar bear except in jeans and a t-shirt; and my dramatically induced split personality. Captain Sugar-Pants. He basically looks like a captain....just without a boat.

We will currently not be accepting new orders until I can shuffle through the mess I left behind 2 years ago.
I'd like to make every single order that was made back then.
Who knows those people might be coming back to JF.
It would be nice if they did come back and found a siggy waiting for them.
I also noticed that theres a few still kicking and roaming about. So hopefully you guys will like the new siggies I'll be pushing out for you. THAT TOOK TWO YEARS TO MAKE!! lol must be damn amazing siggies lols.

Anyway once I get through all the siggies which I think is like 12 siggies in total. I can then go ahead and start taking new ones. (If there are any...rofl)

Looks like the roleplays have pretty much got up and died....cry*.

*Goes back to work*

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