Originally Posted by Jaydelart
I'm not particularly familiar with how Karma is supposed to work... but, if you're posting this now, it means you are expecting good to be returned, despite what you're saying.
Like I said, I'm don't know that much about the belief in Karma, but, if anything, I would assume it was a test of patience; tolerance. As far as I'm aware, there's no definite deadline for things to happen... they just do, at some point in time.
In the end... just continue to do what you think is right. Maybe there are some good things that will happen in the future -- you never know.
Thank you and No this is being posted out of rustration because the same people I do good for are the ones who are currently responsible for my troubles...u know this thread should've been called why do people stab you in the freakin back!!!!?!?!?!!!!!?