Karma is a bitch... no sorry scratch that, if she heard me saying that I'd be paying points for it and I'm trying to save some up, confusing? I suppose so... let me clear it up.
Karma is a woman with unpredictable mood swings filled obscure divine purpose and powers. I'm not too sure why she's here except perhabs trying to save humanities soul with her obscure and complicated view on good and bad, or maybe she's just trying to save me even though I assured her that I don't need it.
The basics on the karmic rules are simple, you are awarded points according to your behaviour for example you get between 1 and 3 points for helping an old lady across the street (points depends on urgency and importance) but you'll need to pay 5-6 points for kicking a 12 year old bully mocking you so basicly if you help 2-3 old ladies across the street you can kick the bully for free... it's all about balancing the points.
The more problematic issue is when something good happens to you it gets subtracted from your karma points and if you don't have much of it you can easily end in the negative zone... and if she thinks that you have too many negative points or that you're not trying to earn some karma points she'll fix that for you by making life difficult for you and let you earn the points that way... sometimes she might have something good in store for you but you just don't have the points and doesn't seem like you'll get them in the near future so she might give you some points by making your life even harder...
For example you might get a kick in the nut out of the blue and your pants might crack just as you bend while trying to impress some girl(s) only to find out a few days later that you have won the lottery!!
I know here you're thinking "but that doesn't make sense, I can just feed hungry street cats and be millionair on the mentioned lottery in no time" but no it's not that easy... continued work to earn points only deflate the value of it and hence you'll earn less and less... meaning the 6'th time you help the same helpless lady across the street might earn you only 0,2 points!!
The trick is to mix it and try hit the high pay points!
Another problem is that she usually send one of her minions to do the work, I mean just think about it there is only one of her and a lot of people out there... the problem is her minions have mind and opinion of their own and with their OWN mood swings (damn girls) so you can easily risk getting someone who thinks that the point you actually earned is a lot less in her book... (allthough the reverse is also true) so as you can see you need to be smart about this and do your math on it

I hope it helps and if you need help with calculating your points just let me know... I could use the points